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SYLLABUS. Class: - B.B.A. IV Semester. Subject: - International Business. UNIT – I. An Overview of International Business: Framework of International. Trading Environment of International Trade · Analysis of Global Environment/Components/Types/Constituents of International Business.Biyani's Think Tank. Concept based notes. International Business. (BBA Part-III). Vaishali Purohit. Deptt. of Management. Biyani Girls College, Jaipur International Business Environment – Social and Cultural Environment, Environment/notes/Introduction%20to%20International%20Business.pdf. International business is all commercial transactions – private and governmental – zz between two or more countries. Private companies undertake such No doubt international trade, comprising exports and imports of goods, has historically been an important component of international business. But of late, the Hi Friends, I am sharing my lecture notes for the BBA subject - International Business (IB). These are brief notes that will help to quickly 1.7 Problems of International Business. 1.8 Emerging Global Economy. 1.9 Drivers of Globalisation. 1.10 Globalisation of Markets. 1.11 Policy Issues.
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