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EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: - Batteries, Resistors, Multimeter,Battery Holders,Connecting Leads,. Alligator clips.. THEORY:- KCL:- This law is also called Kirchhoff's THEORY:-The theorem states that the linear bilateral network containing at least one source the current in any branch can be found out by considering the To carry out laboratory experiments on simulation & Networks. o Lab Manual THEORY: NORTON'S THEOREM: Norton?s theorem states that in a lumped, 1 Familiarity with DC and AC circuit analysis techniques. 2 Analyze complicated circuits using different network theorems. 3 Acquire skills of using MATLAB NETWORK THEORY LAB (EE-223-F). LAB MANUAL (III SEM ECE). Page 2. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS. EXP NO. NAME OF THE EXPERIMENT. PAGE NO. NORTON'S CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: W. LAB MANUAL (III SEM ECE). Page 3. Scanned with CamScanner. Page 4. NETWORK THEORY LAB (EE-223-F). PROCEDURE: THEVENIN PROCEDURE:. In Circuit Theory & Network Lab three number of code EE-391, EC-391, EE(EI)-. 391 are performed . In these code the following Experiments has been.LABORATORY MANUAL. Network Theory Lab. EE-223-F. (3rd. Semester). Prepared By: Vivek Kumar(A.P). B. Tech. (EEE), M. Tech. (EEE). Circuit used to study DC Norton's theorem is shown in Figure on NV6509A Kit. Theory: A linear active network consists of independent and dependent voltage and
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