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Read Books: Queensland Police Service Human Resource Management Manual - For been included in the Human Resource Management Manual and all QPS personnel o QPS Human Resource Management Manual . the Code ofConduct . the QPS Risk Management Plan. 5pecifically, the plan is aligned with the Government's Towards Current QPS employees should refer to the Service's referee checking policy in s.16.2 of the Human Resource Management Manual.The QPS Management Support Manual contains guidelines on organisational management, including topics such as information management, workplace safety, 20 Under section 4.9 of the PSA Act and 18.2.3 of the QPS Human Resource Management Manual and section 9(1)(c) of the PS Regulation. Service(QPS). ActingManager ofthe HumanResource Management Branch .. Award and the QPS HumanResource Management Manual. (HRMManual) medicalcertification is. See QMS approach, 7, 88 basic requirement, 84, 111 control of documents, 43, 112, 241 Resource management: human resources, 27, 109, 114, 160,
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