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veronesiTTApplication HandbooksUSTER QUANTUM 3 SE-655_Comparison of the cut forecast can also be activated using the manual settings by only press-. Detection of polypropylene fibers with uster(r) QUANTUM 3. Standard way of optimizing clearing limits: Manual clearing limits entry . USTER® QUANTUM 3 application know-how was shared in over 60 newsletters since 2011. USTERIZED® members have access to the collection and get information The USTER® QUANTUM 3 is a yarn clearing and monitoring system for winding machines consisting of: 1. Central Clearing Unit 6 (CCU6). The USTER® QUANTUM 3 is a yarn clearing and monitoring system for winding machines consisting of: 1. Central Clearing Unit 6 (CCU6). Powerful capacitive, optical and foreign-matter sensors are at the heart of the USTER® QUANTUM 3. They can see it all, in greater detail than ever before. In USTER QUANTUM 3 Technical Data September 2010 Technical specifications for the sales staff THE YARN QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM Copyright 2010 by UsterFor the PP detection USTER® QUANTUM 3 provides the smart limit func- tion as well as the manual setting abilities. 18 (24). USTER® QUANTUM 3. Page 19. THE YARN
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